State Industrial School for Girls
Middle Georgia Military and
Agricultural School established Jan. 19, 1880
Milledgeville Brick Works, J. W. McMillan proprietor
Milledgeville Oil (cotton seed) & Fertilizer Company, organized May 1889.
Captain W. T. Conn, president
W. S. Brooks, manager. Directors: W. T. Conn,
W. S. Brooks, J. W. McMillan, J. C. Whitaker, D.W. Brown, George C. Smith, H. D.
Allen, C. R. Harper.
Electric Light Company
State Lunatic Asylum
1500 patients, 200-300 attendants
Milledgeville Banking Company Organized October 1884 G. T. Wiedenman, president,
B. T. Bethune, cashier
Board of Directors: W. T. Conn, T. O. Powell, T. L.
McComb, Samuel Evans, D. B. Sanford and G. T. Widenman
Peter Cline Dry Goods
Milledgeville Hotel F. P. Mapp, proprietor
W. T. Conn & Co. - wholesale grocers
John M. Clarke Drug Store - George D. Case - druggist
T. L. McComb - wholesale and retail dealer. also president of Ice factory
Joseph Miller - jeweler
Joseph Staley - stoves, hardware, tinware, glassware & agricultural implements. Also vice president and director of dummy line, director in building and loan associations
Adolph Joseph, dry goods, notions, boots, shoes
J. A. Horne, wholesale commission merchant - grain and provisions.
Fred Haug, dealer in shoes, hats, trunks and leather and repair shop
W. & J. Caraker - furniture dealers
J. F. Wilson - hardware
A. F. Skinner - general merchandise
Jewell & McComb - dealers in fancy and family grocers
M. & J. R. Hines - dealers in general supplies, wagons, buggies, etc.
T. E. White - grocers
Warren Edwards - bottling works, soda and ginger ale.
J. C. Whitaker - store in country 12 miles from town. Also director in oil mill and electric light company
Captain C. H. Andrews - insurance, merchandise broker, clerk of the board of trade
Sol Barrett - built the dummy line railway
Robert Whitfield - attorney, State Senator
Rufus W. Roberts - attorney, chairman of finance committee, secretary and director of Milledgeville Ice works and director in electric light company and Baldwin county building and loan association
Joseph E. Pottle attorney and judge
J. T. Allen, attorney and judge
Captain J. D. Howard - attorney
Dr. Clark - dentist
Dr. McReynolds - dentist
The Press
The Recorder and Chronicle
Source: Atlanta Constitution March 3, 1890