Welcome to
Berrien County

Explore Berrien County:
History Berrien Links Berrien Resources Surname Registry
Lookup Volunteers Berrien QUERIES Families / Biographies Mailing List Information
Documents Photographs Cemetery Markers & Monuments
War Between the States Neighboring Counties Announcements

GaGenWeb's Berrien Archives:
Bible Records Biographies Cemeteries Census
Churches Court Deeds History
Military Newspapers Obituaries Photos
Tombstones Vitals Wills
Berrien GaGenWeb Contacts:

Adopt Me
Berrien County GenWeb Coordinator

Paula Perkins,
State Coordinator

Rebecca Maloney,
Assistant State Coordinator


This website has been created in conjunction with the USGenWeb Project.  This project is a an effort to establish internet-based information for the genealogical community.   The system is organized by states and counties.  This Berrien County site is a part of GaGenWeb.

If you would like to volunteer your time in helping with the many projects within this site, please contact me.  If you have information about Berrien County, please feel free to contact me.   Examples of ways you can volunteer to help: transcription and submission of county records, cemeteries, etc., or be a lookup volunteer (list the records you have and are willing to do lookups in for those who contact you).

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