Surname Listings

If you would like to be added to our surname listings, please send me an email with your name, email address, and the surnames you are researching. If you have a web site with Colquitt County connections and would like it added, please send me the URL and the Colquitt County surnames involved.

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Websites with Colquitt County connections

Alderman Patricia Crosby Leonard
Alligood Dayna Cohen McMullen

Bailey Glenn David Bailey
Baker Shirley Hager
Donna Boutwell
Barksdale Ingrid Chapman
Bateman Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Bennett Connie Pendarvis Rowe
Blackburn Jerry O'Neal
Blackman Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Booth Connie Pendarvis Rowe
Bowers William A. Bowers, Jr.
Bowling Barbara Chappelle
Boyd Melissa Norman Watson
Brady Jerry O'Neal
Brownlee Jerry O'Neal
Bryan Harriett Fuquay
Bush Carol Castleberry Dopp

Carden/Cardin Linda Tiemann
Carter William A. Bowers, Jr.
Castleberry Carol Castleberry Dopp
Chestnutt Ingrid Chapman
Childree Barbara Childree Norris
Clark Donna Boutwell
Clements Robert S. (Bob) Duggan, Jr.
Clemons Billy Clemons
Coleman Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Connell Shirley Hager
Cook Mary Alice Stegall Wojcik
Cooper Jackie Croft Brown
Mike Murphy
Coulter James Manning
Creed Richard Smyrl Creed
Croft Jackie Croft Brown
Linda Tiemann
Crosby Patricia Crosby Leonard
Culbreth Shirley Hager
Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz

Dawson Aleta Dawson Boetticher
Dismukes Ernestine Swords Ostanik
Dixon Jerry O'Neal
Gladys Dixon Gunn
Dorman Carmelita Walker
Duke Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Dunn Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Durst Sheree Robinette

Easters Mrs. Sylvia C. Bryant
English Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz

Felts Merita Felts
Fenders Ernestine Swords Ostanik
Fillyaw Aleta Dawson Boetticher
Fletcher Connie Pendarvis Rowe
Folsom Harry Folsom
Fowler Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Fulghum Ray Hathcock
Fuquay Harriett Fuquay

Gay Serina Gay
Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Giles Serina Gay
Gilstrap Connie Pendarvis Rowe
Green Rosalyn Sumner
Griner Jessie Ray McMullen
Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Gunn Carol Castleberry Dopp

Hall Jerry O'Neal
Hancock Dayna Cohen McMullen
Harper Sheree Robinette
Harrell Jacki Jonas
Hart Connie Pendarvis Rowe
Hathock Ray Hathcock
Henry Kathy W. Jones
Hiers Jackie Croft Brown
Sheree Robinette
Hobgood Glenn David Bailey
Holden Glenn David Bailey
Holt Betty Faye Lawton
Humphrey Carol Castleberry Dopp
Hunter Sheree Robinette

Isom/Isham Terri Milton

Kelly Walt Murphy
Kendall Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Key Don Tucker
Kiff Shirley Hager
King Jerry O'Neal
Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Kreuger Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz

Lane Jerry O'Neal
Latham Melissa Norman Watson
Levins Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Lewis Harriett Fuquay
Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Lindsey Connie Pendarvis Rowe
Betty Faye Lawton
Lockwood Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz

Manning James Manning
Mashburn Jerry O'Neal
Massey Harriett Fuquay
McCall Don Tucker
McGill Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
McLendon Mary Alice Stegall Wojcik
McMullen Jessie Ray McMullen
McMurphy Patrick F. McMurphy
Meadows Harriett Fuquay
Moore Glenda Moore
Mulder Barbara Childree Norris
Murphy Mike Murphy
Walt Murphy

Nelms Ray Hathcock
Norman Melissa Norman Watson

O'Neal Jerry O'Neal

Pendarvis Connie Pendarvis Rowe
Perdew Ingrid Chapman
Peterman Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Pittman/Pitman Charles Pittman
Pitts Patricia Pitts Huber
Sheree Robinette
Jacki Jonas
Powell Donna Boutwell

Raffield Benny Raffield
Rentz Connie Pendarvis Rowe
Rhodes Serina Gay
Richards Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Richter Dayna Cohen McMullen
Roberts Mary Alice Stegall Wojcik
Serina Gay
Rowe Connie Pendarvis Rowe

Sapp Don Tucker
Selph Dan McCarthy
Carol Castleberry Dopp
Sheffield Mary Alice Stegall Wojcik
Shepherd (various spellings) Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Shirah Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Smith Mary Ann Cannon
Snipes Peggy P. Allen
Spivey Glenda Moore
Squires Glenda Moore
Stalvey Glenda Moore
Stanley Robert S. (Bob) Duggan, Jr.
Stegall Mary Alice Stegall Wojcik
Stephenson Don Tucker
Patricia Crosby Leonard
Strawder Kristopher J. Strawder
Strickland Jessie Ray McMullen
Terri Milton
Stripling Mrs. Sylvia C. Bryant
Sumner Connie Pendarvis Rowe
Rosalyn Sumner
Swords Ernestine Swords Ostanik

Tarrah Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Taylor Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Teal Carol Castleberry Dopp
Thompson Donna Boutwell
Tillman Mrs. Sylvia C. Bryant
Terri Milton
Tompkins Judy Ennis Larson
Tucker Don Tucker
Connie Pendarvis Rowe
Dayna Cohen McMullen
Mary Frances Powell

Vandivere Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz

Warden Harriett Fuquay
Waters Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Webb Patricia Pitts Huber
Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
Weeks Patricia Pitts Huber
Jacki Jonas
Wells Nadine Shipman Sinkwitz
West Jerry O'Neal
Mary Frances Powell
Williams Ray Hathcock
Wilson Mary Alice Stegall Wojcik
Wooten Connie Pendarvis Rowe
Worn Kathy W. Jones

Young Jackie Croft Brown


Link Surnames
Bob Dugan's Genealogy Pages Clements, Stanley
Jerry O'Neal's Genealogy Page
5/6/2013, offline
Harry Folsom's
Folsom Family Organization
Patrick McMurphy's Family File
5/6/2013, offline
Self Family Newsletter Selph, Self
Jackie Croft Brown's Croft Pages
4/23/2004, offline
Lanette Hill's
Southern Folks and Their Family Histories
5/6/2013, offline
Brown, Bryant, Watson, Glass, Gray, Tucker, Nobles, Whitley, Cannon, Willis, Gay, Hill, Kirkland
Ron Richardson's
Richardson - Gunn & Allied Families
Gunn, Hunt, Norman, Baker, Tillman, McMullins, Richardson, Moody, Milam


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© 2013 - Present The GAGenWeb Project
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