History of Mitchell County

Map of area around Mitchell County

On November 17, 1857 a bill was introduced by Senator C. H. Hammond from Baker County, Georgia, which called for the creation of a new county. The Act, providing for the formation of the new county site from portions of Baker County, was assented to on December 21, 1857. Hence, the story of Mitchell County, Georgia began.

According to the Senate Journal of 1857, it was Mr. D. W. Lewis, Representative from Hancock County, who suggested the naming of the new county in honor of Henry Mitchell, a Revolutionary War General. The bill introduced the month before provided for the selection and establishment of a new county site which would serve as the central hub for public business. It was on that same day in December 1857, that Mr. Lewis is said to have also suggested that the selected county site should be named Camilla, in honor of General Mitchell's nineteen-year-old granddaughter. One year later, on December 14, 1858, the town of Camilla, county seat of Mitchell County, Georgia was incorporated.

Some of the communities in Mitchell County: Baconton, Branchville, Camilla, Cotton, Flint, Gee Pond, Hopeful, Lester, Meigs, Newton, Pebble City, Pelham, Putney, Sale City and Vada

Neighboring counties:

Baker Colquitt Decatur Dougherty Grady Thomas Worth


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