" .... There is no future for the community that does not honor it's past .... To have the incentive to go forward, it is necessary to know what lies behind. Out of the past the present has come: and out of the present the future will arise."
the Americus Times Recorder ....1931 centennial edition


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Welcome to the Sumter County Genealogy Site, a part of the GAGenWeb Project.  We would like to thank Robert Evans and Alan Anderson who began this site as a source of information for all those with connections to Sumter County, Georgia. This county is now up for adoption!  This site, as well as, the GAGenWeb, USGenWeb and projects are non-profit and live and grow only with the support and contribution of time and effort on the part of interested individuals. If you are one of those individuals willing to help make this one of the premier sites of the GAGenWeb Project please visit the Volunteer section above.

Sumter County Coordinator: AVAILABLE!!
GAGenWeb State Coordinator: Paula Perkins
GAGenWeb Assistant State Coordinator: Rebecca Maloney

This is a part of the GAGenWeb Project.

Copyright © 1999 - for the GAGenWeb Project
The Sumter County Geneology Page