Description from a WW I Soldier letter.
Say if you want to see this part of France go up to Five Points and look around and you will almost see it, nothing but hills and mountains.
Jonathan Morgan McCants WW I letter
Letters From Our Soldier BoysSomewhere in France
Sept. 19, 1918
pg 37 Talbot 26 Aug 1841 John P. Durham to Wm J.F. Mitchell 15th Dist LL155 and 24th Dist LL150 (each 202.5 acres) except 2 acres where present school house now stands LL150 [Five Points - Antioch] Wit: Audred J. Burkhel, Richard B. Rucker pg 34-35 Talbot 17 July 1851 Harry (x) Slade to John P. Durham $1500 24th Dis LL150 15th Dist LL17 (each 202.5 acres) except 2 acres where present school house now stands LL150 [Five Points - Antioch] Wit: Jesse Stallings, J.W. Durham, James Williamson, JP [4 May 1861 deed William J.F.Mitchell to James J. Mitchell $2,000 24th Dis LL150 202.5 acres reserving 2 acres on which the Academy now stands]
Howard - Miss Mattie Julia Vanlandingham
Wesley, Miss Garnet Smith
Five Points - Miss Irene Perkins
From the December, 1996 Tracer
Thursday, November 19, 1925
Frame building; 1 class room; properly heated and ventilated; sanitary closet for girls; $200 value of building five years ago; $1000 present value; 17 double desk; 1 teachers desk; 1 wall picture; I chair; 1 sand table; 8 maps; 1 school dictionary; water fount; $250 value of all equipment; ample play ground in fair condition; flower garden; $10 value of play ground I equipment; 8 months term; 1 teacher; 7 grades; $600 teachers salary; $50 paid for expenses; P.T.A.; 1 provisional high school certificate; 3 students away in high school; 1 nonresident student from another district in the county; 14 boys and 7 girls enrolled. Total 21; average attendance 12 boys and 7 girls, total 9.
Mrs. Mae Riley; junior college graduate; 2 years normal school training; attended 2 summer schools; 16 years experience; 2nd year at Five Points; 2 school magazines; 7 grades taught; 31 daily recitation; 11 minutes to each recitation; supervises the play; daily schedule posted.