Articles Written by Nowell Briscoe for the Walton Tribune, Monroe, Georgia
(Republished with permission of the author and the Walton Tribune )
To see the Walton Tribune website, please click HERE)
Remembering Allyne and Julian Brown
A Memorial Day Remembrance - Lt. Richard Cooper Dodson
Remembering Monroe Legends - Anita Sams and Travis Ellison
Monroe Area High School Class of 1965 Reunion
Monroe's Hotels - Offering Ice Water and Kind Words
O Monroe High - The Best School in our Land
August Brought the Cotton To Town
Launius Family Cared for Monroe
The Goodwill Ambassador of Monroe - J. L. McGarity
Josiah Roy Nunnally - Early Business and Civic Leader
Nunnally Family - Prominent in Monroe History
Monroe's "First Lady" of Food - Louelle Conyers
M. Mendel & Family - Merchants to Monroe
The Right Decision - Rufus Carrollton Harris
The House on the Hill (The Briscoe, Selman, Pollock House)
The Shoeshine Man and the Caterer
History of the National Bank of Monroe (Part 1)
Being Thankful at Thanksgiving
Monroe Memories at Thanksgiving
Old Christmas Memories - Solace for Today's Turmoil
Columnist's Interest In Long Ago Monroe
Ancient Newspaper Reflects Early Monroe History
Through Rain, Sleet, Snow and Hail
Pencils, Paper Outshine Computers
Preston Heritage Asset to County
Easter Memories, Traditions and Legends
Cookie Sanders - Monroe's No. 1 Girl Scout
Cranberry History Adds to Thanksgiving Tradition
Thanksgiving Means Being Thankful
Interview Shows Santa Alive and Excited at Christmas
What Makes Christmas Christmas?
Remembering Monroe's Pied Piper of Education
Remembering Monroe's Pied Piper of Education - Part 2
Memorial Day - Honoring Those Who Served and Died
Looking Back at Monroe's 200 Years
Looking Back at Monroe in 1873 (Part 1)
Looking Back at Monroe in 1873 (Parts two and three)
Remembering a Monroe "Educational" Legend
Final Memories of 1873 as Recorded by Rev. W. Stokes Walker
Remembering the Greers and the Greer House
Standing on the Precipice of Time
Friendships Forged Through Old Monroe History
Christmas Memories Past and Present - 2018
The Romance of the Christmas Card
Community Names and Uniqueness - The City of Good Hope
Remembering a True "Southern Original" (Marion Armstrong Baccus)
Peter Marshall - Easter and the Celebration of Life
Memorial Day and the Monroe Doctors Who Served Their Country
Obits Reveal Lives and History
History of Battle of Jack's Creek
Monroe's Early Leaders Recalled in Obituaries
How Christmas Trees Became a Part of the Holiday Tradition
Monroe's "Premiere Florist" - Frances Florist
"Movers and Shakers" Who Made Our City Special
Early Monroe Families Remembered
2020 Corona Pandemic Linked to 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic
We Survived in 1918-We will Survive in 2020
The Bell Brothers and Coke - 1907
The Ghosts of Casulon Plantation
A Tribute To My Father on Father's Day
Memorial Day and Moina Michael
Mayor Booth Williams Cared for Monroe
Three Generations of Service by the Almand Family
October Brings the Fall Season
Christmas is for Remembering (2021)
Roy Roberts Heritage Shows Deep Walton County Roots
Prominent Names from Social Circle's Past
Working in Monroe Back in the "Old Days"
Upshaw Brothers-Battle for Best House..who won?
Try As They Might, Fires Cannot Destroy Monroe's History
Page Updated August 4. 2022